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Feyenoord to offer Arne Slot a BUMPER new deal amid Tottenham interest

페이지 정보

작성자 Norris (104.♡.119.123) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 23-06-01 19:29


Feyenoord are set to offer managerial target Arne Slot a new contract in hope of persuading him of to stay in Holland.
Slot is building a reputation as one of the brightest emerging managers in European football and is among the names under consideration to become Spurs' new full-time head coach this summer.
But Mail Sport understands that Feyenoord have opened talks with Slot over a new contract understood to be worth over £2.5million a season.

While the salary is relatively low, it is one of the most lucrative in the club's history.
Of course, other European clubs - including Tottenham - will be able to offer Slot much more money and a bigger transfer budget.
Feyenoord are ready to offer Tottenham managerial target Arne Slot a bumper new contract
Slot has been added to Spurs' managerial shortlist as they step up the search for a head coach
But Feyenoord will offer him a new deal to fend off advances from Daniel Levy (centre)
But the opportunity to take the team he moulded into the Champions League next season and build on the success of this term could yet be too tempting to refuse.
Tottenham failed to follow through on their initial interest in Erik ten Hag during their search for Jose Mourinho's replacement.
And fellow Dutchman Slot has been highly recommended to Tottenham this summer.
Feyenoord would be due in the region of £6million in compensation if he decides to leave for a rival club.
Tottenham, to them, are also interested in Roberto De Zerbi, Ruben Amorim and Xabi Alonso.
However, Slot has a significant power base with the newly crowned Dutch champions and is likely to want a similar level of control at his next club.
Meanwhile, Tottenham are interested in former Bayer Leverkusen administrator Tim Steidten as chairman Daniel Levy looks to for the club's next sporting director.
As we revealed last week, Roma's Tiago Pinto is a contender for the role, pastislot qq while Eintracht Frankfurt's Markus Krosche has also been discussed but is viewed as an outsider, as is Johannes Spors.
Brentford's Lee Dykes is understood to be out of the running for the role.
Slot's Feyenoord wrapped up the Dutch championship on Sunday after a superb campaign


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