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T-Mobile misses quarterly revenue estimates

페이지 정보

작성자 Virgilio (161.♡.65.93) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 45회 작성일 23-05-22 21:12


Feb 1 (Reuters) - Wireless carrier T-Mobile US Inc posted fourth-quarter revenue below Wall Street estimates on Wednesday, as competition heats up with rivals looking to add subscribers through more attractive promotional offers.
The company added thousands of wireless subscribers over the last few years, EVdEn EVE NakliyAT thanks to hefty discounts on smartphones, industry-low plan prices and an edge in 5G.

But a slowdown in wireless growth and bigger promotions by rivals amid rising costs are hurting T-Mobile now.
The company said total revenue fell 2.5% to $20.27 billion in the quarter ended December, below Wall Street's estimate of $20.6 billion, eVdEN EvE NAKliyaT according to Refinitiv data.

It added 927,000 monthly bill-paying phone subscribers in the quarter.
T-Mobile's net income rose to $1.48 billion, or $1. If you have any kind of questions relating to where and how you can utilize EVdEN EVE NakLiyAt, you could contact us at the page. 18 per share, from $422 million, or 34 cents per share, eVDen eVe NAKLiYAt a year earlier.
In January, the company said it was investigating a data breach that may have exposed 37 million postpaid and prepaid accounts, and it may incur significant costs related to the incident.
T-Mobile expects to add between 5 million and evden EVe nAKLiyaT 5.5 million net monthly-bill paying subscribers in 2023, compared with the 6.4 million additions it reported in 2022.

(Reporting by Eva Mathews in Bengaluru; Editing by Shinjini Ganguli)


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