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MANUAL: How to choose an erotic aid

페이지 정보

작성자 Tuyet (138.♡.219.108) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 138회 작성일 23-05-14 16:28


Is a dildo or a vibrator better? What is the difference between a plastic and a silicone device and which size is ideal for eroticke pomocky beginners? We bring you a comprehensive guide on how to choose from the sex shop offer.

Sex aids are no longer as taboo as they once were. E-shops with erotic goods also communicate openly on social networks, entertaining and educating their followers. Fewer and fewer eyebrows are raised at the mention of vibrators and other gadgets. They're enlightened by podcasts and sexual health shows, but also by doctors and scientists who are exploring the importance of sexual gratification for mental well-being or chronic pain relief.

But when you open any sex shop, the choice can be overwhelming. New products are being added all the time, companies are racing to see who can come up with something prettier, bigger, more bizarre or more technologically sophisticated. Some devices can be connected to apps on your mobile phone, soaked in water, heated or cooled, used for couple activities, and used on multiple parts of the body (sometimes at once).

That's why we've created a simple step-by-step guide to help you figure out what material, size and features make a device that's perfect for you.
We write about sex and human sexuality regularly, in detail and without shame. It is a topic that is closely related to gender-based violence, to the prevention of infections and unwanted pregnancies, and also to the relationship with oneself and with other people. We "translate" scientific articles and new scientific findings into human language, which you can then apply in your own life


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