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On what sites read information about Luxury Watches for Men

페이지 정보

작성자 Rosa Aviles (109.♡.243.108) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 19회 작성일 23-03-24 19:51


Luxury Watches for Women - https://swisswatchesforsale.com/
At SWISS WATCHES INC we always strive to provide our customers with the highest level of service and protection. Because of this commitment to our clients’ satisfaction and peace of mind, we always ship our products via FedEx International.
Please note that buyers are responsible for all shipping and insurance costs. Due to the nature of our business – particularly the high prices associated with many of the products we sell – SWISS WATCHES INC requires all items to be shipped with insurance coverage.
For international PayPal payments, we will only ship your order to the address registered with your PayPal account – no exceptions.
You are welcome to send us an email letting us know where you want the item shipped, and we will provide you with a quote within 24 hours.
HOW DO I PLACE AN ORDER? Simply click on the INQUIRE button next to the item you are interested in purchasing and provide us with your contact information. A member of our team will reach out to you within 72 hours to confirm availability of the item and process your order.
HOW LONG WILL MY ORDER TAKE TO PROCESS? The amount of time it will take to receive your designer watch, fine jewelry piece or bottle of cognac varies. Factors that may expedite or delay your order include your payment method, availability of the item, and delivery time. Typically, orders take 2-4 weeks.
HOW DO I KNOW THE ITEM IS AUTHENTIC? Each designer watch is engraved with a unique serial number. Used by manufacturers as a means of tracking sales, these inscriptions are considered signets of authenticity. Once you purchase the watch from us, you can bring it to any authorized dealer who can then verify the watches’ authenticity based on its serial number. SWISS WATCHES guarantees the legitimacy of every watch we sell.
WHAT IF I DON'T SEE THE WATCH I WANT? We are happy to assist in fulfilling special orders of items not currently featured on our website. Message us its name and reference number, and our team will thoroughly search through our vast network of distributors to find you the item at the best available price. Due to the specialized nature of each request, SWISS WATCHES cannot guarantee that we will be able to locate every item every time.
WHY CAN'T I BUY THE WATCH DIRECTLY FROM YOUR WEBSITE? Due to the nature of our business – particularly the high prices associated with many of the products we sell – we must commit to a business model that protects both buyer and seller. By first verifying that a potential client is not a fraudulent party and has a genuine interest in the item, we are able to provide our customers with the highest level of service and security.
WHAT IF I CHANGE MY MIND AND WANT TO RETURN THE WATCH? We are happy to offer a 14-day return window for any item physically in stock should there be any noticeable defects or damages upon receipt, or if it is the wrong product. Items specially ordered are final sale unless damaged, defected or incorrect. Pre-owned items are final sale.


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사업자등록번호 : 508-81-34487 통신판매업 신고번호 : 제 2020-경북,의성-053 호 E-mail : sam5foods@hanmail.net 개인정보보호책임자 : 이정순 호스팅업체 : 다오스웹
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