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Official Filmora Screen Recorder

페이지 정보

작성자 Aleisha (193.♡.89.74) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 18회 작성일 23-02-19 10:47


Screen Recorder.
Filmora screen recorder allows the user to record screen and webcam simultaneously, also capture the system and microphone audio. You can easily record games, tutorials, youtube videos, etc., easily and export the videos to YouTube, Vimeo, and devices.
Win 11 /Win 10 / Win 8 / Win7 (64 bit OS) | System Requirements.
macOS 10.14 - macOS 12 (10.13 or earlier? Click here) | Apple M1 compatible.
A Simple but Powerful Video Recorder.
Filmora screen recorder is one of the most powerful video recording software to capture any activities from your desktop screen. You can capture online meetings, product demos, lectures, gameplays, and much more videos in high quality.
Screen + Webcam Recording.
Videos with a speaker are always more engaging for audiences. Filmora screen recorder allows you to capture the computer screen and webcam simultaneously. Whether you are creating a product demo, game tutorial, or business training video, adding your face to the video will always help express your ideas better.
Customize Recording Area.
With this screen video recording program, comércio criptografia de cópia criptografia de cópia criptográfica you can record anywhere on your computer screen, the full screen, a target window, or a customized area. Moreover, it's very easy to customize the region, and you can simply drag the window or enter the width & height.
Record System and Microphone Audio.
In addition to video recording, Filmora is also a voice recorder that captures both the computer system audio and external microphone sound simultaneously.
Record Anything You Want.
Create an explanation code review video to show what your code does so everyone can understand it. Moreover, record bugs and share the clip with your team to help them fix the same program quickly.
Make video lectures for blended classrooms and share them with students for better distance learning. Besides, using video to feedback students' assignments is also a good way to improve your teaching skills.
Record a product demo video to show the details and send it to your business partners to let them get to know the product better.
Are you a game vlogger? Filmora screen recorder enables you to capture game videos with face and share the game highlights to YouTube or Vimeo easily.

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평일 09:00 - 18:00(점심 12:00-13:00)
토, 일요일 및 공휴일 휴무



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