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Kanye Wests' ex-wife

페이지 정보

작성자 Selene (161.♡.130.37) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 29회 작성일 23-02-19 10:37


Kanye Wests' ex-wife was spotted wearing a pair of classic lucrative contract with Adidas was terminated.
The 42-year-old mum-of-four made her feelings known when she shared the photo wearing Adidas' competition, alongside her son Saint, on the same day her baby daddy's agreement with the athleticwear juggernaut was torn up due to his anti-Semitic comments.
The rapper's $220million annual deal with the German sports brand, which is worth $1.5billion in total, was terminated as a result of his controversial behaviour.
According to Kanye Wests' ex-wife Kim Kardashian was spotted wearing a pair of classic Vans shoes (pictured) on Tuesday - the same day his lucrative contract with Adidas was terminated
The rapper's $220million annual deal with the German sports brand, which is worth $1.5billion in total, was terminated as a result of his controversial behaviour (Kim pictured in another pair of Vans)
At his concert at the Kia Forum in California on Monday night Harry Styles was also spotted in a pair of Vans, replacing his usual Adidas x Gucci Gazelles.
Styles, 28, has worn the Adidas shoes for every show on his world tour since June because he wears primarily Gucci clothing on stage but fans noticed when he stepped out in Vans the day before Ye's Adidas contract ended.
Adidas announced that they would be terminating their partnership in a statement, with the sportswear maker having put it's deal with Ye under review.
They claim that they made repeated efforts earlier this month 'to privately resolve the situation'.
At his concert at the Kia Forum in California on Monday night Harry Styles was also spotted in a pair of Vans, replacing his usual Adidas x Gucci Gazelles
Adidas announced that they would be terminating their partnership in a statement, with the sportswear maker having put it's deal with Ye under review (pictured with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian)
German sporting goods behemoth Adidas has terminated its partnership with Kanye West amid controversial behavior from the American rapper and designer. A statement posted in the media section of its website called his comments 'unacceptable, hateful and dangerous'
German sporting goods behemoth Adidas has ended its partnership with Kanye West amid controversial behavior from the American rapper and designer
It comes days after Kanye claimed on a podcast that the sneaker giant 'cant drop him', despite saying 'anti-Semitic things'. 
Adidas' share price dropped more than 50 percent over the past six months, EvDEn Eve nAkliYAt and is expected to plunge even further in the wake of the announcement. 
Kanye's Twitter and Instagram accounts were restricted, with the social media platforms saying they removed his posts that online users condemned as anti-Semitic.
In a statement Adidas said: evdEN Eve nAkliyAt 'Adidas does not tolerate antisemitism and evDen EVe naKLiYaT any other sort of hate speech. If you have any inquiries with regards to where and how to use eVdEn eVe nAkliYAT, you can get in touch with us at the web page.  
'Ye's recent comments and actions have been unacceptable, hateful and EVdEN EVE NAKliyAt dangerous, and evDEN EVe nAkLiyAT they violate the company's values of diversity and inclusion, mutual respect and fairness.'


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