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Shocking moment car rolls down slope and into a river when brakes fail

페이지 정보

작성자 Amanda (45.♡.245.86) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 1,545회 작성일 23-01-28 21:50


A bungling mechanic who does not realise the brakes are not working on a woman's car watches as it rolls backwards in to a river while she's inside. 
The woman brought her car in to be repaired at a shop in Tambov, .
But her dashcam captures the moment her car is reversed out of the shop when the repairs have supposedly been completed.
But rather than stopping when she applies the breaks the car just keeps on rolling down the hill.

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The vehicle seems to float towards the middle of the Russian river as the mechanic jumps in after it to try to rescue her
As the car skids down a bank away from the autoshop the mechanic runs after it
The woman brought her car in to be repaired at a shop in Tambov, Russia.

But her dashcam captures the moment her car is reversed out of the shop when the repairs have supposedly been completed
A confused car mechanic seems not to notice what is happening until it is too late.
Just seconds later the car skids down a bank and sinks in to a river as the woman inside screams for слив сигналов трейдеров help.
As the video ends the woman can be heard moving around in the water that is starting to enter the car.
A confused car mechanic seems not to notice what is happening until it is too late.

Just seconds later the car skids down a bank and sinks in to a river as the woman inside screams for help
The vehicle floats towards the middle of the river as the mechanic jumps in after it to try to rescue the driver.
It is not known what happened to the car or the woman after the video was captured.
The video ends when the dashcam appears to cut out as the car sinks further in to the body of water on May 20 in 2014.   
The camera jolts upwards when the car falls backwards and leaves the bank before splashing in to the river 
The car dramatically enters the river as water can be seen entering the car and the woman inside attempts to get out 



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