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Alpha Impact Launches its Copy-Trading Platform featuring

페이지 정보

작성자 Jolie (193.♡.11.251) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 30회 작성일 23-01-23 18:24


Alpha Impact Launches its Copy-Trading Platform featuring Top Crypto Traders.
The social trading platform lets community users see and copy trades from daily ranked top traders without controlling access to their funds.
October 21, 2021 11:00 ET | Source: Alpha Impact Alpha Impact.
SINGAPORE, Oct. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (via Blockchain Wire) –– Alpha Impact (https://alphaimpact.fi/), a social copy trading platform that features daily insights from expert crypto traders, announced its beta release today. Built for beginners and enthusiasts, the platform helps minimize risks associated with investing in a volatile cryptocurrency market. Alpha Impact allows community members to connect with top-performing traders, copy their trades, access the latest news from crypto experts, and learn the art of crypto investing through masterclasses and guides. In turn, traders on the platform benefit from growing a follower base as a trusted opinion leader, which allows them to earn passive income from subscriptions and via a revenue share model that lets them earn a commission for each trade.
For beginners, becoming a crypto trader can be daunting. Many spend weeks or even months researching to find traders or influences whose strategies can be emulated. Online tools offer ready access to trading strategies, but many turn out not to be popular. Because of the knowledge of coding and blockchain technology required, many regular investors feel locked out of the investing experience. Alpha Impact is unique because the platform does not ever have access to users' funds, allowing users to store their funds in their own exchange account. Furthermore, its interactive community builds traders into key opinion leaders, offering status updates and chat groups to truly educate its audience.
"There is too much noise and too much volatility from unqualified people hyping or hating coins. We want to remove that noise and educate people about crypto trading and value investing by building a hub for investment insights where users can identify a top trader based on the trader’s actual trading history, and copy that expert’s trades through our platform," said Hayden Hughes, CEO of Alpha Impact. "The goal is to allow people to invest smarter in cryptocurrencies, by connecting with the industry’s best traders with performance history and proven statistics; and the best part is, people do not need to put money on our platform to copy traders–– they can copy traders from their existing Binance or investment account."
Unlike other copy-trading platforms, Alpha Impact focuses on transparency and interaction between followers and traders. While other copy-trading platforms keep traders anonymous, Alpha Impact encourages traders to become key influencers and bridges communication between followers and traders. Alpha Impact’s ultimate goal is to not only simplify copy trading but to truly empower people to profit from cryptocurrencies by providing an educational platform where traders can explain their rationale behind trades and discuss strategies and industry news.
$IMPACT is the utility token used to manage the interaction between traders and investors in the platform. Investors that hold it will have access to impactful insights and traders' best strategies. Traders will benefit from rewards and fees payment in $IMPACT. Alpha Impact will soon be launching an NFT series as well. The NFTs, which will unlock copy trading functionality within the platform, will require the $IMPACT token.
Alpha Impact CEO Hayden Hughes will host an AMA on Friday, 22 Oct at 6PM SGT to announce the official beta release. It will be livestreamed on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook. Register on Eventbrite here: https://bit.ly/3aYIFCG.
For more information and to join Alpha Impact, please visit app.alphaimpact.fi/account/register.
About Alpha Impact Alpha Impact is a copy-trading social media platform designed to connect followers with professional traders. Users can connect their investment account to Alpha Impact to cara copy trade top traders in our community, get the latest market news from traders, and learn crypto investing from influential traders, masterclasses, and beginner guides. Traders can earn another stream of income from sharing trades, trading knowledge, and building an industry reputation.
Built by two banking veterans from crypto and traditional finance, the founders’ philosophy is to empower people to profit from cryptocurrency and endorse strong performance history-backed traders as opinion leaders.
MEDIA CONTACT: Transform Group: alphaimpact@transformgroup.com Company Contact: team@alphaimpact.fi.


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