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오늘 본 상품




Enjoying The Second

페이지 정보

작성자 Amber (95.♡.127.208) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 32회 작성일 23-01-18 19:59


For example, a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church denied any contradiction between cemetery excursions and a Christian view on cemeteries: Cemeteries must be honored, visited, taken care of. In O. Czerner & I. Juszkiewicz (Eds.), http://www.mguki.ru/chto-takoe-sanitarno-zashhitnaya-zona-i-dlya-chego-ona-nuzhna/ Cemetery artwork (pp. Based on the Moscow Construction Norms for Funeral Infrastructure (Moscow government, 1997a), the zones round cemeteries are meant to guard the "health of the people who participate in funerals, go to graves, work at the funeral-related objects, stay and work at the territory across the cemetery or crematorium." An environmental management professional interviewed for this examine famous that the zones round cemeteries have been meant to not solely forestall pollution but additionally present "moral protection," a time period that is also used but not defined in the Federal Funerary and Cemetery Suggestions (Gosstroy, 2002). On this sense, sanitary-protection zones are purported to take care of the emotionally challenging connotations associated with cemeteries. In actuality, Moscow cemeteries are removed from this as a result of both formal and informal stakeholders try to use cemeteries to gain business profit (Golunov, 2019; Mokhov, 2021; Mokhov & Sokolova, 2020). There are two themes which describe Moscow cemeteries as a commercial space: debates round the idea of non-public cemeteries and the observe of selling grave plots at the present cemeteries.


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평일 09:00 - 18:00(점심 12:00-13:00)
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