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The Bachelorette's Brooke Blurton shows off figure in skimpy…

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작성자 Daisy (62.♡.80.34) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 17회 작성일 22-11-04 18:33


Brooke Blurton looked incredibly toned as she showed off her amazing figure in a pair of bikini bottoms on Tuesday.
star, 27, posed for a black and white mirror selfie with a big smile on her face as she wore a pair of black briefs and matching long sleeved crop top.
She posted the snap to Instagram with the caption, 'She didn't come to play, she came to slayyyyy,' followed by a fire emoji.
Brooke Blurton, 27, (pictured) looked incredibly toned as she showed off her amazing figure in a pair of bikini bottoms on Tuesday 
It comes after Brooke recently shared a clip of herself breaking down in tears, referring to it as the 'lowest point' in her life.

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Brooke posted the old clip to Instagram in July, showing herself crying as she read the meaning of a spirituality card called Protected by Angels.
She captioned the video: 'This was when I was at my lowest point in my life and I got these cards from [psychic medium Ashlyn].' 
The Bachelorette star posed for a black and white mirror selfie with a big smile on her face as she wore a pair of black briefs and matching long sleeved crop top
The reality TV star continued: 'This was the message I received.

This was the exact moment I literally picked myself up and got working on one of the biggest and proudest achievements to date. My book.'
The message she referred to was the meaning of the card which said 'an angelic intervention is available' and she should 'spread [her] wings and soar'.
At the time, Brooke had promptly ended the video as her voice quivered and she began to break down.
It comes after she recently shared a clip of herself breaking down in tears, referring to it as the 'lowest point' in her life 
Just an hour before sharing the old video, the author uploaded a video of her crying as she proudly showed the first manuscript page of her new book Big Love.
This comes a few weeks after the LGBTQIA+ activist revealed she had signed up for OnlyFans to 'watch other people'.
'I just find it so intriguing.

I'm interested, I'm curious, I can't help that! I have to know!' said Brooke, who just launched a Nova podcast called Not So PG.
Just an hour before sharing the old video, bokep indonesia the author uploaded a video of her crying as she proudly showed the first manuscript page of her new book Big Love 
This comes a few weeks after the LGBTQIA+ activist revealed she had signed up for OnlyFans to 'watch other people' 
She continued: 'And, you know, I'm also gay so I love women's bodies and physiques, and if that's what it is, why not?'
The bisexual youth worker said OnlyFans is a diverse platform that isn't just limited to porn, calling it a 'creative space for people to show themselves creatively'.
Brooke rose to fame on The Bachelor in 2018 and went on to star in Bachelor in Paradise and The Bachelorette.
The bisexual youth worker said OnlyFans is a diverse platform that isn't just limited to porn, calling it a 'creative space for people to show themselves creatively' 


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