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MAFS Hayley Vernon injures herself during sex after becoming an escort

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작성자 Syreeta (62.♡.80.34) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 18회 작성일 22-11-04 18:07


Married At First Sight star Hayley Vernon has revealed she injured herself during rough sex.
The  model and high-class escort, 35, announced on Instagram on Monday she needed to put a bag of frozen peas on her privates because they were so sore.
'Honestly, obviously has anyone ever - girls - had so much sex or rough sex [that] it hurts to sit down?' she said in a video while panning the camera to her lower body.
Married At First Sight star Hayley Vernon has revealed she injured herself during rough sex
'My friend might be sitting in bed,' she laughed, before adding: 'I've got frozen peas between my legs, because her p***y has taken a pounding and it's really sore.' 

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It comes after the former finance broker defended her career as an escort, saying it 'goes hand in hand' with her work.
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia on Monday, memek Hayley said she'd signed up to , a private escort directory, where she advertises her services for $950 an hour.
The OnlyFans model and high-class escort, 35, confessed she needed to put a bag of frozen peas between her legs to relieve herself after 'taking a pounding'
'I'm in the adult industry; I have sex for a living.

I have top-tier customers wanting the experience and I, on the other hand, need men to film with,' she explained.
'The reality is, it goes hand in hand with what I do [on OnlyFans],' she added. 
Hayley, who has made a staggering $1.3million selling raunchy content on the adult website popular with reality stars, said she was proud of her work in the industry.
'Am I ashamed?

F**k no. I'm absolutely killing it and would like to thank you [the media] for the free publicity,' she added.
It comes after Hayley defended her career as an escort, telling Daily Mail Australia that it 'goes hand in hand' with her OnlyFans work
The 35-year-old (pictured with David Cannon on MAFS), confirmed she'd signed up to Scarlet Blue, a private escort directory, where she advertises her services for $950 an hour
According to her Scarlet Blue profile, Hayley lists her body type as 'athletic' and is available for in-calls and out-calls.
'One of Australia's finest!

Voted Australia's best new porn star 2022,' her bio states. 
In a previous interview about her adult career, Hayley admitted she had to turn to hardcore pornography in order to keep the money coming in.
Hayley, who has made a staggering $1.3million selling raunchy content on the adult website popular with reality stars, said she was proud of her work in the industry
'[It's] hard to then keep people paying each month, unless you're willing to push boundaries,' she said.
Hayley revealed that while her public persona from the Channel Nine reality show initially generated curiosity, that soon wore thin.
Eventually, she evolved from lingerie and topless shots to hardcore photography.  
Hayley is now using her earnings to kick off a new career as a property developer.
The former finance broker recently purchased a plot of land to begin construction on her first home.  
The busty brunette has become one of the biggest Aussie names on OnlyFans since joining the adults-only platform in 2020.
The busty brunette has become one of the biggest Aussie names on OnlyFans since joining the adults-only platform in 2020 


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