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Eddie McGuire's son Xander McGuire pursues a TV career

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작성자 Eldon (94.♡.222.106) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 31회 작성일 22-10-30 19:31


Eddie McGuire's son Xander has followed his famous dad into TV, after landing a gig as a sports reporter for Channel Nine's news team in .
The handsome blond teenager did his first story on June 17, reports .
Earlier this year the 19-year-old started off working in the news room on an internship at the network.
Eddie McGuire's son Xander has followed his famous dad into TV, Watches after landing a gig as a sports reporter for Channel Nine's news team in Melbourne. Pictured: Eddie McGuire and son Xander on the red carpet at the Logie Awards in 2016 
Eddie, host of Nine's Millionaire Hot Seat, commented on his son's career step-up at the Logies last week: 'He was doing a bit of an internship and now they have got him working.'

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'He spent a couple of years on Neighbours, now he is on the road chasing stories,' the TV executive and sports commentator said. 
Nine's News director Hugh Nailon said that Xander's work in the newsroom earned him the opportunity to do casual reporting.
Xander has already plenty of experience in front of the camera after landing a role on Neighbours in 2015 when he was 12.
The handsome blond teenager did his first story on June 17 reports The Herald-Sun after completing an internship at the network
Later Xander, who was born Alexander, became a regular on the series portraying the returning character Charlie Hoyland, son of Steph Scully. 
Part of Xander's internship duties will include door-stopping AFL footballers for comment as they exit clinics after receiving medical attention for injuries.
This was one of the chores assigned Eddie, 57 when he first started his career in TV at Channel 10 in 1982, Blogs says the report.
The handsome young blond has already plenty of experience in front of the camera after landing a role on Neighbours in 2015 when he was 12 
The sometimes controversial sports commentator and former president of the AFL's Collingwood Football Club, Eddie has always maintained he is not a stage dad.
'He did all this on his own and on merit,' Eddie told the Daily Telegraph when Xander first appeared on the long-running soap.
Eddie revealed his son took a liking to acting after performing in a school musical, and the pair thought they'd try the screen test for the 'experience.' 
Eddie commented on his son's career step-up last week: 'He was doing a bit of an internship and now they have got him working' he said 

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