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Webcomic / +EV

페이지 정보

작성자 Iesha Trost (188.♡.143.239) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 82회 작성일 23-08-20 05:18


EV is "A Poker Comic with Positive Expected Value." (Hint: +EV is the common abbreviation for "positive expected value".) About professional online poker player Corbin, his family, https://brandscarlett.com/ his poker buddies and several prominent poker players.

+EV contains examples of:

- Beginner's Luck: Seems to be the explanation for the successes of, if not Scarlett, then at least for Harold and Clancy.
- Catchphrase: Violet's "I think I want a divorce" qualifies to the point she lampshades it when Corbin calls her a "dink" in a text message.
- Child Prodigy: Scarlett, who's following in her father's footsteps.
- Dystopian Edict: But why are people punished by hanging just for mentioning poker?
- Fanservice: sometimes, with Violet.
- G.I.R.L.: Corbin knows this trope.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry
- Heroic BSoD: Scarlett declares that poker and Princess Amazia are her two favorite things, and she couldn't do without either. Then Amazia comes out against gambling.
- House Rules: be careful to play against Konsta with his own deck.
- I'm a Humanitarian: fortunately, just a dream.
- Mouth Flaps: a peculiar aversion despite this being an animation trope: The characters' mouths are usually closed when they speak in this comic's particular style.
- Mushroom Samba: so, Harold owes the Goombas hundred dimes, and they'll kill him if he can't pay? "Um, Harold, those are fictional characters in a video game."

- Perpetual Poverty: Harold and Clancy win millions in poker, but shit it all away.
- Primal Scene: seems to have happened off-strip, since Scarlett knows about the game that only mommies and daddies can play.
- Professional Gambler: Corbin, and several members of the supporting cast.
- Scary Black Man: Clancy knows about this trope, but doesn't really understand it.
- Shout-Out: to American Idol, Heroes, A Boy and His Blob.
- Snap Back: Harold wins a lot of money and loses it again, loses weight and gains it again... and so on.
- Soap Opera: Violet is a fan of One Life to Live.
- Speed Sex: Corbin can do it twice in five minutes!
- Take That!: is Gold Coast really that shitty? No idea.
- Theme Naming: Corbin's wife's name is Violet. Her first daughter is Scarlett, which is a shade of red. And violet is a mixture of red and blue. So it was logical to give their second daughter a name that's a shade of blue, and thus she was named... Ultramarine!
- Show Within a Show: webcomic within a webcomic.
- World of Pun: the puns are mostly Poker-related-Big Blind, Pocket Pear, etc.
- Writers Cannot Do Math: play poker too long, and you'll forget how to count to twenty. Even if you were a mathematician before.


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