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NY Man robbed of pricey Cartier watch by stranger he found in his home

페이지 정보

작성자 Angelo Samuels (88.♡.219.86) 연락처 댓글 0건 조회 29회 작성일 22-07-31 17:23


A man was slashed and comment-11324 robbed of his pricey Cartier watch by a stranger he found in his home with his girlfriend.
The unidentified victim, 33, came home to his Lower East Side apartment around 7pm on June 6 to find an unknown man talking to his girlfriend. 
The NYPD said the two men got into a 'verbal dispute,' which quickly escalated.
The suspect 'punched the victim in the face multiple times, slashed him in the neck with an unknown object, and forcibly removed his keys and Cartier watch,' according to police. 
Cartier watches start at $2,500 for a basic black leather banded watch with quartz and steel.  
The NYPD is looking for a man (pictured) who slashed and robbed a 33-year-old man in his Lower East Side apartment on June 6. He was allegedly there to buy a pit bull cage off the man's girlfriend, but ended up fleeing after the two men got into an argument  
The man forcibly stole the victim's Cartier watch (stock image). The expensive item starts retailing at $2,500 
The suspect fled the building and Article the victim was taken to Bellevue Hospital for treatment. 
His girlfriend, who was also not identified by police, said the man had arrived moments before her boyfriend did and was there to buy a pit bull cage. 

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When asked for more information about the suspect, all she could tell police was a nickname, a police source told the  (NYDN). 
The man was last seen wearing a baseball cap and white t-shirt in a grainy elevator comment-11324 surveillance shot. He appears to have a beard and multiple tattoos on his right arm. 
The NYPD is offered a $3,500 reward to anyone who can help identify him. 
The robbery comes as NYC experiences a heightened crime sense. Robberies alone are up 40 percent, Article while overall crime is up 38 percent.  
The crime happed on Delancey Street (pictured) near near Baruch Drive around 7pm 
Robberies are up 40 percent in the Big Apple and overall crime is up nearly as much

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